
Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop advanced research skills by conducting in-depth investigations, applying theoretical frameworks, and producing coherent, academically rigorous written documents.


Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course   Code







CO174: Enhance written communication skills- Analyse advanced research skills by conducting an in-depth investigation into a specific topic within their field of study.

CO175: Evaluate theoretical frameworks and methodologies to analyse and interpret research findings.

176: Enhance oral communication skills- design and present the dissertation through PowerPoint presentation.

CO177: Produce a well-structured and coherent written document.

CO178: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Guidance cum Discussion sessions and Review of Literature.


Learning activities for the students

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination




  • Candidate is required to carry out minor research project on any topic of choice (preferably review article) under the supervision of an allotted guide or faculty. The students will also have an option to carry out project in Media House/Industry during semester break and submit the final project report along with the certificate from the authorized signatory of the Media House/Industry to the department for evaluation.


Essential Readings: 
  • Ahuja R. (2001). Research Methods. New Delhi. Rawat Publication.   
  • Berger A. (2016). Media and Communication Research Methods. New Delhi. Sage Publication
  • Bryman, A. (2012). A Social Research Method A. New York. Oxford University Press.
  • Guthrie, G. (2010). Basic Research Methods: An entry to social science USA. Sage Publication.
  • James A. (2011).   Media Research Methods. USA Sage Publications


  • Kothari C.R. (2009). Research Methodology: Methods &Techniques. New Delhi. Newage International Publication.
  • Levin. A. (2006).  Elementary Statistics in Social Research New Delhi. Pearson Publication.
  • Meyers, William R. (2004). Social Research Methods. USA. Routledge.
  • Royse D. (2008). Research Methods in Social Work. UK. Thompson Learning INC.
  • Sharma A. (2013). Media Research Methodology India. Maxford Books.
  • Treadwell, D. (2017). Introducing Communication Research. New Delhi. Sage Publications.
  • Menon, M. (2007) Indian Television and Video Programmes: Trends and Policies New Delhi Kanishka Publishers.
  • Seabright, P. (2007). The Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets: Evolving Technology and Challenges for Policy Cambridge. Von Hagen.
  • Wadia, A. (2007). Broadcast Management in India: Major Guidelines and Policy Frameworks, New Delhi. Kanishka Publishers.



Academic Year: