Actual Television Production

Paper Code: 
MCV 334
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of the practical paper is to enable the students to write and present video scripts in a visual form. At the same time, it will not only help student to produce a Video film as a team activity but they will also learn the technicalities of handling a video camera and a video editing system.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Television Engineering by Arnos Pub. Tata McGraw Hills.
  2. Television Production & Direction by General Millerson.
  3. Television Lighting Techniques by Gerald Millerson.
  4. Special Make up Effect by Vincet J.R. Kehoe, Focak Press.
  5. Television Production by Zette.
  6. Television Programme Making by Coren Hart.
  7. Video Production Hand book Gerald Millerson, Focal Press.
  8. Guide a Post Production for TV and Film managing the process the by Barbara Clark, Focal Press.
  9. On Camera by Harris Watts.
  10. The Techniques of Special Effect in TV by Bernard Wilkie.
  11. Television Production & Direction by Geral Millerson.
Academic Year: