Radio Drama- Purpose; Research, Characterisation Through Voice; Recording and Editing; use of Sound and Sound Effects.
Special Audience Programmes- Concept; Requirement; Identifying Special Audience.
Various Special Audience Programmes- Women; Children; Rural Audience; Youth; Senior Citizen and Armed Forces.
Radio Advertisements- Social and Commercials; Creating Message; Spot and Jingle; Use of Sound and Sound Effects.
Programming Planning for a Radio Channel- Conceptualisation; Music Management; Making Personality of a channel.
1. Aspinall, R. (1971)Radio Production, Paris: UNESCO.
2. Flemming, C. (2002) The Radio Handbook, London: Routledge.
3. Keith, M. (1990) Radio Production, Art & Science, London: Focal Press.
4. McLeish, R. (1988) Techniques of Radio Production, London: Focal Press.
5. Nisbett, A. (1994)Using Microphones, London: Focal Press.
6. Reese, D.E. & Gross, L.S. (1977) Radio Production Work, London: Focal Press.