Corporate Communication and Brand Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand the role of corporate communication strategy, evaluate media relations through case studies, assess CSR's impact on image management, and comprehend key branding concepts.


Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Corporate Communication & Brand Management (Theory)


CO121: Analyse and plan corporate communication campaigns. 

CO122: Demonstrate proficiency in various communication channels.

CO123: Analyse the use of media in times of crisis and evaluate case studies.

CO124:  Evaluate communication strategies for building brand loyalty and customer loyalty.

CO125: Develop strategies for managing brands effectively.

CO126: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.


Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion Tool (Power Point Presentation), Case study,

and writing practise


Learning activities for the students

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination




Unit I: 
Crafting Corporate Communication Strategies
  • Defining Corporate Communication Strategy and Role
  • Campaign planning: Problem identification
  • Channels
  • Implementation
  • Feedback
  • Areas of Strategic consideration - Brand management,
  • Case studies in Corporate Communication Campaigns


Unit II: 
Mastering Communication Channels and Media Writing
  • Internal /External Communication and Media Writing
  • House Journals
  • Video Magazines
  • Open Houses
  • Press Conferences
  • Press Briefings and Meetings
  • Press Releases
  • Press Backgrounders
  • Rejoinders
  • Understanding Print vs Electronic Media
  • Mainstream vs, Local media coverage


Unit III: 
Navigating Crisis Communication and CSR Strategies
  • Crisis Communication - Examining Types of Crisis/Disasters
  • Proactive and Reactive Media Strategies
  • Use of Media in times of Crisis
  • Case Studies in Conflict Resolution and Crisis Handling
  • CSR Strategies and Image Management Indices 
Unit IV: 
Understanding Brand Dynamics and Media Interaction
  • Understanding Brands
  • Brand Personality
  • Brand Image
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Equity
  • Value addition from Branding Brand Loyalty and Customer loyalty
  • Communication with Media as Media Consumer and Audience


Unit V: 
Strategic Brand Management and Ethical Practices
  • Managing Brands
  • Brand Creation
  • Brand Extensions Brand-Product Relationships
  • Factors in conception and various stages of growth and maturity of brands
  • Ethical Practices 
Essential Readings: 
  • Aaker, David, A Managing Brand Equity, New York, Free Press, 2018
  • Cowley, Don Understanding Brands London, Kogan page,2019
  • Czerniawski Richard D and Michael W. Maloney Creating Brand Royalty, AMACOM, New York, 2005
  • Kapferer, J N Strategic Brand Management New York, Free Press, 2016
  • Murphy, John A. Brand Strategy Cambridge, The Director Books, 2015
  • Steward, P. Building Brands Directly London, MacMillan, 2014


  • Upshaw, Lyhh B. Building board Identity: A Strategy for success in a Hostile market place New York, John Wiley, 2006
  • Subroto Sengupta, Brand Positioning. Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2005
  • Fiona Gilmore (Ed) Brand Warriors, Profile Books 2007
  • John, Philip Jones, what is in a brand? Tata Mc Graw Hill 2011
  • YLR. Moorthi, Brand Management: The Indian context, Vikas Publishing House, 2015

E Resources


Academic Year: