Development Communication and Media Management

Paper Code: 
JMC-144 F
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This course will enable students to:
• understand and know the principles, forms and process of development communication.
• know the various theories of development communication.
• relate various technologies, their development and their role in national development with research studies.


Definition of Development, Persuasive model of development, Mass media model of development.

Psychological Theories: Concepts of selective exposure, Selective perception and Selective retention

Developmental Journalism:Concept of development historical overview of development, issues and indicators of development.

Role of Communication in Development, Concept of Mass Society.


Principles of Media Management and their Significance . Ownership Patterns of Mass-Media in India.. Problems, Process and Prospects of launching Media Ventures. Policy formulation .  Hierarchy, Functions and Organizational Structure of different departments  in a Media Organization.


Apex bodies: INS,  ABC,RNI, ORG & NRS. Changing roles of Editorial Staff and other Media Persons.


Economics of Print and Electronic Media. Legal and Financial aspects of Media Management. Market Forces & Media . Structural Transformation of Media Industry in India .


  1. Ruckerr L. W. and Williams Newspaper organisation and management,Iowa University Press, 1961
  2. Sindhwani Trilok, Newspaper Economics Management,
  3. I. A. guide for Newspapers, R. N.I. New Delhi
  4. Goulden John, Newspaper Management, London, 1967
  5. Mehra Newspaepr management in the Multi media age, 1988
  6. Lingam TNM Circulation Problems in Indian Newspaper PII, New Delhi
  7. ( 8) C.S. Reyudu – Media and Communication Management,  Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  8. Reports of the First Press Commission (1954) and the Second Press Commission (1982).
  9. Report of the Enquiry Committee on Small Newspaper (1965).
  10. Kothari, Gulab, Newspaper Management in India, Intercultural Open University, The Netherlands.
  11. Sindhwani, Trilok N., Newspaper Economics and Management. Ankur Publishing House, New Delhi.
  12. Mathur, B.S. Principles of Management, National Publishing House, New Delhi.


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