Development Communication and Television

Paper Code: 
JMC-144 E
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to:
• understand and know the principles, forms and process of development communication.
• know the various theories of development communication.
• relate various technologies, their development and their role in national development with research studies.


Definition of Development, Persuasive model of development, Mass media model of development.
Psychological Theories: Concepts of selective exposure, Selective perception and Selective retention


Developmental Journalism: Concept of development historical overview of development, issues and indicators of development.
Role of Communication in Development, Concept of Mass Society


Television programme content: Research & Production Planning.
Content analysis & delivery. Audience reaction and perception to television content.
Television rating systems; Press reviews; Television rating Points; Audience Poll


Media Reach, Media Exposure, Media Effects. Problems to Media Growth
Media Ethics verses Commercial benefits, Media Corruption, Paid News; Media manipulation by vested interests


Study & critical analysis of research studies related to Media Ratings systems.
New trends in presentation and content in electronic media . New challenges and critical issues




1. White, Shirley A.K., Sadanandan Nair and Joseph Ascroft, Participatory Communication: Working for Change and Development Sage, New Delhi.
2. Ambasatha, C.K., Communication Patterns in Innovation Development, Extensions and Client System, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
3. Schramm, Wilbur, Mass Communication and National Development UNESCO Paris.
4. Mehta, S.R. (Ed.) Communication and Development : Issues and Perspectives. Rawat Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi.
5. Gupta, V.S. Communication and Development . Concepts Publishing Co. New Delhi.
6. Melkote R. Srinivas(1991), Communication for development in the third world, Sage publishers, New Delhi.
7. Neville Jayaveera, Sarath Amunugama(1989), Rethinking development communication, AMIC.
8. Sadanan Nair, Shirley A. White,(1993), Perspectives on development communication, Sage, New Delhi.
9. Mass Media in national development- Wilbur Schramm.
10. Social change in India- B. Kappuswamy


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