Development of Mass Media in India

Paper Code: 
JMC 122
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: 

This course will enable the students to acquaint themselves with the historical evolution of mass media in India. Understand the technical advancements in the field of mass media. Understand the social, political and cultural implication of communication theories.


Unit I: 

Origin and development of the Indian press and Indian news-agencies. Indian press and freedom movement. Press in India after independence, Indian press: problems and prospects.


Unit II: 

Development of radio as a medium of mass communication – Growth of Radio in India, FM Radio, Community radio.


Unit III: 

Development of television as a medium of mass communication-Growth of  Television in India. Satellite and Cable television in India.


Unit IV: 

Film as a mass medium, Historical development of Indian films, Indian Cinema after independence, Issues and Problems of Indian Cinema.


Unit V: 

Development of new media, Convergence, Online journalism, Recent Technology etc.



Essential Readings: 
  1. Arvind Singhal/Everett M Rogers – India’s Communication Revolution from Bullock carts to Cyber Merts, Sefe Publications, New Delhi.
  2. Chatterjee, P.C. Broadcasting in India, Sage, New Delhi.
  3. Luthra, H.R., Indian Broadcasting, Publications Division, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  4. Shrivastava, K.M., Radio and TV Journalism, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.



Academic Year: