Digital Media and Technology

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to explore digital and social media platforms, analyse virtual communities, evaluate e-resources and digital ethics, understand the role of bloggers, master social media marketing, and design diverse digital platforms.


Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Digital Media & Technology




CO127: Explore the digital and social media platforms, analytic tools, and managing social profiles effectively.

CO128: Analyse the virtual community platforms, understand digital convergence dynamics.

CO129: Evaluate the E-Resources research skills, understanding of digital regulations and ethics

CO130: Explore the historical perspective on blogs, and master social media marketing techniques.

CO131: Evaluate planning and designing diverse digital platforms, mastering content creation.

CO132: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Web content development.

Lecture cum discussion

Social Media content analysis

Examining and Developing websites through software

Case Study

Learning activities for the students

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 
Digital Landscapes
  • Digital and social media: Platforms and technology
  • Analytic Tools
  • Introduction to Social profile management products Facebook, X (Twitter), Linkedin, Koo, Algorithms of Different Social Media Websites (Creative and Mathematical Aspects of Content)


Unit II: 
Networks in the Digital Sphere
  • Social Collaboration
  • Virtual Community- Wikis, Blogs, Instant Messaging, Collaborative office and crowd sourcing
  • Digital Convergence
  • Tools for Live Streaming 
Unit III: 
Engagement in the Digital Age
  • Content Research
  • Digital Regulations and Ethics
  • Citizen Journalism: Concept, Case Studies
  • Social Publishing: Flickr, Instagram, Youtube, Sound cloud, MoJo


Unit IV: 
Art of Blogging and Social Media Marketing
  • Blogging; a Brief history of Blogs
  • Blogs as Narratives
  • Bloggers as Journalists
  • Micro blogging and Social networking
  • Social Media Marketing: SEO, SMO, CMS
Unit V: 
Digital Content Creation and Management
  • Planning and Designing of WebPages, Blogs, Web channels, e-Newspaper, e-Magazine, Structure of a web report
  • Content writing, Editing, Reporting, Planning and Management
  • Poll Surveys
  • RSS feeds


Essential Readings: 
  • Communication Media and Information Technology (2005). Goel Commonwealth Publishers. New Delhi.
  • Web Advertising and Online Marketing: Technology and Strategies of E- Marketing (2004). P.P Singh, Sandhir Sharma. Deep & Deep Publication. New Delhi.
  • Cyber Media Journalism: Emerging technologies (2003). Jagdish Chakravarthy. Authorpress. Delhi.
  • New Media: Theories and Practices of Digitextuality (2003). Anna Everett. Routledge. UK.
  • Handbook of Online Journalism (2010). Swati Chauhan, Kanishka Publishers, Delhi.


  • Information Technology in Journalism (2002). Om Gupta. Kanishka Publishers. Delhi.
  • New Media Development and Globalisation (2013). Don Malden Slater, Polity Press. UK
  • New media development &Globalisation (2013). Don. Malden Slater, Polity Press, UK.
  • Digital Broadcasting Journalism (2003). J.K. Sharma, Authorspress, Delhi.
  • Elements of Internet and Online Journalism (2015). Naveen Chandra Pant Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi
  • Emerging Trends in Journalism (1999). Rahul Mudgal, Sarup & Sons, Delhi.       
  • Techniques of Feature Writing and Mass Communication (2014). Neha Arora Random Publications, New Delhi.
  • Writing for the Internet (2002). Jane Dorner, Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd, Punjab.
  • Writing for the Media (2010). Usha Raman, Oxford University Press, Jaipur.



Academic Year: