Digital Media and Technology (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to create and sustain successful YouTube channels, curate engaging content across various social media platforms, design compelling content for web pages and digital publications, analyse structural and editorial variations among news websites, and develop practical skills in live reporting.

Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Digital Media and Technology


CO151: Create and sustain a successful YouTube channel.

CO152: Create, curate, and maintain engaging content on Facebook pages, Twitter handles, and Instagram profiles.

CO153: Design share, and edit compelling content for web pages, e-newspapers, and e-magazines.

CO154: Compare the structural, editorial, and technological variations among prominent news websites.

CO155: Develop practical skills in live reporting, including real-time information gathering, analysis, and communication

CO156:   Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Web content development

Lecture cum discussion

Social Media content analysis

Examining and Developing websites through software,

Case Study


Learning activities for the students

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 
YouTube E-Resources Creation and Channel Management
  • Creation and maintaining a YouTube channel    
Unit II: 
Social Media Page Management
  • Creation and maintenance of Facebook page, Twitter handle, Instagram                      


Unit III: 
Digital Content Creation and Collaboration
  • Writing, sharing, editing for the web pages, e newspaper, e magazines.                                            


Unit IV: 
Web Journalism
  • Comparative study of different news website


Unit V: 
Live Reporting in Action
  • Live Reporting Activity


Essential Readings: 
  • Communication Media and Information Technology (2005). Goel Commonwealth Publishers. New Delhi.
  • Web Advertising and Online Marketing: Technology and Strategies of E- Marketing (2004). P.P Singh, Sandhir Sharma. Deep & Deep Publication. New Delhi.
  • Cyber Media Journalism: Emerging technologies (2003). Jagdish Chakravarthy. Authorpress. Delhi.
  • New Media: Theories and Practices of Digitextuality (2003). Anna Everett. Routledge. UK.
  • Handbook of Online Journalism (2010). Swati Chauhan, Kanishka Publishers, Delhi.


  • Information Technology in Journalism (2002). Om Gupta. Kanishka Publishers. Delhi.
  • New Media Development and Globalisation (2013). Don Malden Slater, Polity Press. UK
  • New media development &Globalisation (2013). Don. Malden Slater, Polity Press, UK.
  • Digital Broadcasting Journalism (2003). J.K. Sharma, Authorspress, Delhi.
  • Elements of Internet and Online Journalism (2015). Naveen Chandra Pant Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi
  • Emerging Trends in Journalism (1999). Rahul Mudgal, Sarup & Sons, Delhi.       
  • Techniques of Feature Writing and Mass Communication (2014). Neha Arora Random Publications, New Delhi.
  • Writing for the Internet (2002). Jane Dorner, Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd, Punjab.
  • Writing for the Media (2010). Usha Raman, Oxford University Press, Jaipur.



Academic Year: