History of the Media

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to analyze the foundational aspects of print journalism in India, including milestones and key figures, and explore the cultural significance of traditional media forms. Additionally, students will evaluate the historical development of radio and television in India, along with advancements in Indian cinema.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code



24CJMC 303

History of the Media (Theory)

CO115: Analyse the foundational aspects of print journalism in India.

CO116: Explore the cultural significance of traditional media forms in Indian society.

CO117: Evaluate the historical development and penetration of radio in India.

CO118: Examine the evolution of television in India.

CO119: Assess the evolution of Indian cinema. 

CO120: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, , Simulation, Seminar presentation, s, Field practical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects.


Unit I: 
Evolution of Print Journalism in India
  • Print Media in India
  • National Freedom Movement, Bharatendu Era, Tilak and Gandhi Era
  • Post-Independence Journalism
  • Major News Agencies in India


Unit II: 
Traditional Media and Folk Arts
  • Traditional Media, Folk Dances and Music, Folk Theatre, Puppetry
  • Reviving Traditional Media, Integration of Folk with Mass Media.


Unit III: 
Penetration of Radio in India
  • Radio in India: Penetration of Radio in Rural India
  • Community Radio
  • Formats in Radio Programming.


Unit IV: 
Indian Television History
  • History of Television in India: Commercialization of Programming (1980s)
  • Satellite Television
  • Growth of Doordarshan, Public Service and Commercial TV Broadcasting
  • Advent and Expansion of Private Channels, Prasar Bharati


Unit V: 
Evolution of Indian Cinema
  • Cinema in India
  • Introduction to Film Genres, Silent Era of Indian Cinema
  • Major Features and Personalities, The ‘Talkies’ Popular Cinema,
  • New Wave and Middle Cinema


Essential Readings: 
  • History of Indian Press Growth of Newspapers (2002). B.N Ahuja. Surjeet Publications. New Delhi.
  • History of Radio and Programme Production (2016). Nagendra. Kanishka Publishers and Distributors. New Delhi.
  • Modern History of Indian Press (1998). Sunit Ghosh. Cosmo Publications. New Delhi.
  • The Press in India: A New History (1994). G.N.S Raghavan. Gyan Publishing House. New Delhi.



Suggested Readings:

  • Bollywood: A History (2006). Mihir Bose. Lotus Collections. New Delhi.
  • Mass Communication in India (2005). Keval J. Kumar. Jaico Publishing House. Mumbai.
  • Elements of Print Media and Journalism (2015). Krishnaveer Challa, Abhishek. Kanishka Publishers. New Delhi.
  • The Cinemas of India 1896-2000 (2005). Yves Thoraval. Mcmillian India Ltd. UK.



Academic Year: