Human Communication

Paper Code: 
PTV 151
Unit I: 

Introduction to Communication, Meaning, Definitions and importance of Communication

Unit II: 

Verbal Communication - Characteristics & Functions. Non Verbal Communication – Characteristics & Functions

Unit III: 

Communication Process- Objectives and Elements. Intrapersonal Communication, Interpersonal Communication –its three stages, Focused & Unfocused Interactions

Unit IV: 

Group Communication - Characteristics and Functions. Mass Communication- Characteristics , Functions& Impact. Barriers to Communication.

Unit V: 

Significance and Functions of Mass Media- Traditional media, Print, Audio, Audio-visual and New Media, Mass Communication and Society.


1. DeVito, Joseph A., Communication : Concepts and Process Prentice-Hall. New Jersey. 2. McLuhan, Marshall., Understanding Media. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. 3. Agee, Warren K. Ault Philip H., Introduction to Mass Communication, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi. 4. Yadava, J.S., Mathur P. K., Adult Philip H., Introduction to Mass Communication. The Basic Concepts, Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi. 5. Murphy, Robert D., Mass Communication and Human Interaction Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 6. McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Penguin, 1969.

Academic Year: