Introduction to Broadcast Media

Paper Code: 
CJMC 301
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to understand the features of TV and Radio as mass media. It will also enable students to understand the process and nitty-gritty of broadcast production.


Unit I: 

Characteristics of Radio as a medium. Basics of Sound; Concepts of sound-scape; Types of sound-Sync, Non-Sync, Natural sound, Ambience Sound; Sound Design-Its Meaning with examples from different forms;

Sound recording techniques; Introduction  and types of microphones





Unit II: 

Characteristics of Television as a medium; still image, Moving Picture Concept; electronic image, television image, Digital image, Edited Image; visual-Visual culture; Changing ecology of images today. Visual Perspective. Visual Grammar – Camera Movement, Types of Shots Concept of continuity, Imaginary line.

Unit III: 

Structure of camera: Single and 3-CCD, Camera Basics: Viewfinder, Camera Lens systems and controls, White and Black balance; Handling the camera: contrast ratio, aspect ratio, -Exposure and Zebra, shutter speeds; Focusing methods: Selective focus, follow focus, rack focus, Depth-of-field.

Unit IV: 

Production Format: Single-camera shoot, Multi-camera shoot                  

Elements of a Television News Story: Gathering, Writing/Reporting.

Elements of a Television News Bulletins.

Basics of Editing for TV- Basic Soft-wares and Techniques (for editing a news capsule). Introduction to Recording and Editing sound. (Editing news capsule only).


Unit V: 

Broadcast News: Critical Issues and Debates; Public Service Broadcasters - AIR and DD News - Changing Character of Television News ( 24 -hrs news format, News Production cycle, News 'Lingo', News 'Formulae' ? News as Event, Performance and Construction

Essential Readings: 
  1. Zettl Herbert, Television Production Handbook. (Pgenos: 20-80, 85-135)
  2. Robert c Allen and Annette Hill (Ed- 2004), The Television Reader, Routledge (Pgenos: 10-


  1. P.C Chatterjee, Broadcasting in India, New Delhi, Sage 1987(Page nos- 25- 78)
  2. The Radio Handbook, by Carrol Fleming, Rout ledge (London & New York 2002) (Pgenos:

47- 105)

Suggested Resources &Documentaries-

  1. News Bulletins in English and Hindi on National and Private channels (as teaching material)
  2. -Documentary- ‘The future of Television News.’
Academic Year: