This course will enable the students to –
1. Inculcate the knowledge of Communication models.
2. Develop the knowledge of basic elements of Communication.
3. Acquaint themselves with the various types of Communication.
Defining: Meaning and Scope of Communication, Communication: Concept, Elements and Process, Types of Communication, Barriers to Communication, Function of Communication
Models of Mass Communication, Aristotle’s Model, Lasswell Model, Shannon and Weaver Model, Osgood’s Model
Models of Mass Communication, Aristotle’s Model, Lasswell Model, Shannon and Weaver Model, Osgood’s Model
Four Theories of Press, Interactive Theory: One Step Flow, Two Step flow, Multi Step Flow, Spiral of Silence
Relevance of Communication Theories to Practice- Persuasion, Perception, Diffusion of Innovations, Social Learning, Participatory Communication