Introduction to Radio Programme

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


This course will enable the students to examine different Radio broadcasting patterns and characteristics of radio technical aspect broadcast and observe the innovative practices in radio broadcasting


Course Outcomes: 



Course Code



Course   Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies




Introduction to Radio Programme


CO1: Examine the evolution and history of Journalism

CO2: Identify different Radio broadcasting patterns and characteristics of radio

CO3: Analyse the types of radio stations and their reach

CO4: Examine the technical aspect of broadcast

CO5:Examine the innovative practices in radio broadcasting

CO6:Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration

Learning activities for the students:

Self. Learning assignments, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Field practical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects, Practice sessions in Radio Station


Unit I: 
Evolution of Radio


  • History-Growth and Development of Radio in India
  • Various stages of Electronic Innovation.
  • Radio as a medium
Unit II: 
Radio Stations and Characteristics


  • Categorization of Stations-MW, SW and FM
  • Functions & Characteristics of Radio
  • Radio verses T.V (comparison audio/visual)


Unit III: 
Types and Reach of Radio


  • Types of Radio and its Reach
  • Entertainment Radio, Community Radio, Internet Radio, Satellite Radio
Unit IV: 
Radio Organizations and Services
  • Organizational set-up of AIR, Various services of AIR
  • Allotment of Radio frequency. Commercial Radio and Community Radio


Unit V: 
Innovation and Modern Trends in Broadcasting
  •  Modern trends in broadcastingInteractive broadcasting
  •  Simple Interactive, Telephonic, Tele-conferencing
  • Radio audience measurements systems(RAM, SMSIVRS and Phone calls)


Essential Readings: 


  • Gandhi, Ved Prakesh. (2009). Handbook of Television and Radio Broadcasting. Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi.
  • McLeish. (2005). Radio Production Focal Press, Burlington, USA.
  • Parameswaran. (2012). Radio Broadcasting: A Reader's Guide Authers Press, New Delhi.

 Suggested Readings:


  • Saxena, Ambrish. (2011).  Radio in New Avtar AM to FM Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi
  • Esta de Fossard &Jhn Riber. (2015). Writing and Producing Radio Dramas Sage, New Delhi.
  • Barzman, Alan.(2004). Radio Advertising- A Guide to Creating, Voicing and Producing Great Radio Commercials Books Pvt. Ltd., Chandigarh.


E Resources: 


Academic Year: