PR and Corporate Communication

Paper Code: 
JMC 421
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to -

  1. Understand the concept of public relations and difference from other forms of marketing and publicity. 
  2. Understand the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility of media organizations.
  3. Understand the tools, ethics, laws of public relations.


Course  Outcome (COs):


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper   Code

Paper Title

JMC 421

PR and Corporate Communication


CO88:Students would learn public relations, publicity, advertising and e-PR.

CO89: Students would understand the concepts and tools of PR and communication. 

CO90:Students would gain knowledge about corporate communication.

CO91:Students would learn the basics of public relations writings.

CO92:Students would gain understand basic ethics and laws of public relations


Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum DiscussionTool (Power Point Presentation).Case study.

Lecture cum Discussion

Tool and writing practise.

Learning activities for the students

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 

Public Relations – Definition, objectives, Brief History of Public Relations in India. Strategic Public Relations/Corporate Communication and Management

Unit II: 

Building a Distinct Corporate Identity – Concepts, Process. logo, lettering Campaign Planning, Management and Execution. Crisis Communication. Role of PR/CC in Crisis and Disaster Management. Study of symmetrical and asymmertrical models.

Unit III: 

PR in central and state governments: Defining Stake Holders/Publics, Media Segmentation, Audience Segmentation. PR agencies: importance, Social Media and PR

Unit IV: 

Writing for PR: internal publics (house journals, bulletin boards, open houses, suggestion boxes, video magazines, etc.).

Writing for media (press release/backgrounder, press brief, rejoinders, etc)

Unit V: 

Media Relations – organizing press conferences, site visits, Proactive and Reactive media relations, ethical aspects in Public Relations and PRSI code of ethics.


1.    Public Opinion Making in India: An assessment of talk shows in Indian media (2016). Akanksh.Shukla, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.

2.    Public Relations: An Emerging Specialised Profession: Text and Case Studies (2004). Diwakar Sharma, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.                     

3.    Public Relation and Press (2015). Javed Shaikh, Rajat Publications, New Delhi.

4.    Public Relations. Ahuja Chhabra, Surjeet Publications, New Delhi.

5.    Public Relations in India (2011). J.V. Vilanilam, SAGE Publications,New Delhi

6.    Public Relations Management in Media and Journalism (2016). Jagdish Vachani, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi

7.    Public Relations: Principles, Cases and Problems (2004). H.Frazier Moore, Surjeet Publications, New Delhi.

8.    Public-interest journalism: A guide for students (2014). Arvind Sivaramakrihnan, Orient BlackSwan, Jaipur.


Academic Year: