Media and Cultural Studies

Paper Code: 
CJMC 203
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to understand the concept of Culture and its various aspects. Students will also develop understanding of various critical theories of mass communication.


Unit I: 

Understanding Culture- Mass Culture, Popular Culture, Folk Culture; Media and Culture .

Unit II: 

Critical Theories of Mass Communication: Frankfurt School, Media as Cultural Industries; Political Economy; Ideology and Hegemony.

Unit III: 

 Representation of Texts, Signs and Codes in Media;  Representation of nation, class, caste and gender issues in Media.

Unit IV: 

Audience Segmentation: Concept; Women as Audiences; Uses and Gratification Approach; Reception Studies ;Sub Cultures; Music and the popular, Fandom .

Unit V: 

Folk Media as a form of Mass Culture, live performance; Audience in live Performance ; Media technologies and Marshal McLuhans’s  concept of Medium is the Message.


Essential Readings: 
  1. AS Media Studies: An Essential Introduction Edited by Philip Rayner, Peter Wall and Stephen Kruger, Routledge (Covers Unit II, III, IV and V)
  2. John Fiske, 1982, Introduction to Communication Studies, Routledge (Covers Unit II,
  3. Ideology and Meanings and Unit III Signs and codes )
  4. Dennis McQuail, 2000, (fourth Edition) Mass Communication Theory, London, Sage (Covers Unit IV, Media Technologies)
  5. Baran and Davis, Mass Communication Theory(covers Unit II, III and IV)
  6. John Storey. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. London: Pearson Longman. 2009
Academic Year: