Media Laws And Ethics

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand legal frameworks in media, develop critical thinking and media literacy skills, analyse ethical dilemmas, and conduct advanced legal research on emerging issues in media law and policy.

Course Outcomes: 




Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Media Laws & Ethics


CO97: Demonstrate a foundational understanding of key legal principles and ethical concepts.

CO98:  Develop ethical reasoning skills, enabling them to analyse ethical dilemmas.

CO99: Critically evaluate media policies, regulations, and industry standards.

CO100: Prepare for careers as media professionals, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and ethical values.

CO101: Develop proposals for media law and policy reform, addressing current challenges and opportunities.

CO102: Contribute effectively in course

specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion Tool (Power Point Presentation)

Lecture cum Discussion

Tool (Power Point Presentation) and case study.

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Class test,

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 
Foundations of Media Laws and Ethics in India
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Fundamental Duties, Freedom of Speech and Expression and their limits
  • Directive Principles of State Policy
  • History of Press Laws in India, I and II Press Commissions


Unit II: 
Legal Framework and Regulatory Mechanisms
  • Contempt of Court
  • Defamation, Parliamentary Privileges
  • Official Secrets Act, Press and Books Registration Act
  • Working Journalist Act 1955
  • Privileges and Government Support
  • Self-Regulation Practices
  • Ombudsman
  • Media Council: Scope and Demand  


Unit III: 
Intellectual Property and Regulatory Acts
  • Copyright Act
  • Press Council Act
  • Indecent Representation of Women Act
  • Cinematograph Act
  • Central Board of Film Certification Cable Television Act


Unit IV: 
Evolving Legal Landscape in Media
  • Broadcasting Act
  • Right to Information
  • Right to Privacy
  • Right to Reply
  • Law of Sedition
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Media Trial
  • Intellectual Property Right Act
  • Bhartiya Nyay Samhita



Unit V: 
Contemporary Issues and Emerging Challenges
  • Cyber laws
  • Media and public interest litigation
  • Accountability and independence of media
  • IT Act 2000: Debates, Amendments and Implementation
  • Data Privacy
  • Sovereignty and localisation Debates


Essential Readings: 
  • Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication (2001). VirBala Aggarwal, Concept Publications, New Delhi.
  • Media Law and Ethics (2010). Neelamalar, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
  • Media Ethics (2009). Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
  • Media Law and Ethics (2015). Ruchika Gupta. Rajat Publications, New Delhi.


Academic Year: