Media Systems and Organizations

Paper Code: 
JMC 224
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: 

This course will enable the students to understand the structure and management of media houses. Understand the process and challenges of launching a new media venture. Understand new trends of media industry.


Unit I: 

Basic Management Principles. Newspaper  Ownership Patterns in India –Media as an industry and as Public Service.



Unit II: 

Organizational Pattern of a Daily Newspaper, Magazine and a News Agencies. Functioning and Interrelationships of Editorial, Business and Printing Department. Newspaper Economics: Circulation and Advertising as sources of revenue.

Unit III: 

Personnel Management, Production and Reference Section Manpower Management -Policy formulation, Planning and Control. Problems, Process and Prospects of Launching Media Ventures.

Unit IV: 

Role and Scope of Small Newspapers. Hyperlocal Media. Measures for the Press to Cope with the Challenges from Electronic Media and Internet.


Unit V: 

AIR,PIB,DFP,DD. ABC, – Editors Guild,INS,IFWJ,IUJ, Press Council of India, Press Association, ORG, NRS, Press Clubs.


Essential Readings: 
  1. C.S. Reyudu – Media and Communication Management,  Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  2. Reports of the First Press Commission (1954) and the Second Press Commission (1982).
  3. Report of the Enquiry Committee on Small Newspaper (1965).
  4. Kothari, Gulab, Newspaper Management in India, Intercultural Open University, The Netherlands.
  5. Sindhwani, Trilok N., Newspaper Economics and Management. Ankur Publishing House, New Delhi.
  6. Mathur, B.S. Principles of Management, National Publishing House, New Delhi.
Academic Year: