New Media and Convergence

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to analyse the concept of new media, networked society, information society, and evolution of new media and role of computer mediated communication by exploring the digital media landscape, the latest trends and technologies. 

Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code




Introduction to New Media (Theory)

CO55: Analyse the concept of networked society, and role of computer mediated communication, and will gain insights into new media ecologies.

CO56: Analyse and discuss various trends and practices of online communities, user-generated content, the role of networked and alternative journalism.

CO57: Explore various aspects of the digital landscape, including issues of access and equity, legal and ethical considerations, technological advancements.

CO58: Develop proficiency in internet journalism, including the ability to develop news stories, principles of web writing.

CO59: Develop comprehensive knowledge and skills in creating blogs, websites

CO60: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Unit I: 
Basics of New Media
  • New Media: Definition, Characteristics, Barriers to New Media
  • Evolution from Web 1.0 to 3.0
  • Computer mediated-Communication (CMC)
  • Networked Society, Information Society
  • Understanding New Media Ecologies; Elements of Trans – media
  • Gaming and Storytelling


Unit II: 
Digital Media Landscape: Trends and Practices
  • Online Communities
  • User Generated Content
  • Networked Journalism
  • Alternative Journalism
  • Contextualized Journalism
  • MoJo
  •  Cyber Activism- Definition, Concept


Unit III: 
Navigating the Digital Sphere
  • Digital Divide
  • Piracy, Copyright, Copyleft and Open source
  • Digital Archives
  • Online Broadcast Technologies: Webcasting, Social TV, Videoconferencing
  • New Media Practices: Satellite Radio, Online (Web), Podcasting, Online Advertising
  • Cyber Crime and Cyber Security: An Overview


Unit IV: 
Crafting Stories for the Online World
  • Internet Journalism, Developing news stories for Internet, Structure and characteristics of Internet news stories
  • Overview of Web Writing: Linear and Non-linear writing
  • Do’s and dont’s for reporting and editing of e-newspapers, websites and news portals
  • ICT and its applications


Unit V: 
Blogging and Websites
  • Blogging, types of blogs, Creation and Promotion
  • Websites: Definition, Characteristics and Types of Websites
  • Website Audience Measurement- process and techniques
  • Convergence and its types,
  •  Social Media and Participatory Media Culture


Essential Readings: 
  • New Media Development and Globalisation (2013). Slater Don. Malden: Polity Press, UK.
  • Social Media (2015). Graham Meikle, Routedge and Kegan Ltd. UK.
  • Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Trends and Dimensions (2012). Kanishka Publishers, Delhi.
  • Communication Media and Information Technology (2005). Goel.  Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Web Advertising and Online Marketing: Technology and Strategies of E- Marketing (2004). P.P Singh; Sandhir Sharma.  Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi.
  • Cyber Media Journalism: Emerging technologies (2003). JagdishChkravarthy. Authorpress, Delhi.


Academic Year: