This course will enable the students to -
Introduction to Photography; Understanding the mechanisms of Photography; Types of photographic cameras and their structure (Pin-Hole, SLR, TLR, D-SLR) Types of Lenses
Aperture (f-stop), Shutters; Light meters (Incident, reflected, Centre weighted, Spot and Metrics), Focus and Depth of field
Understanding Light and Shadow, Natural light and Artificial Light, The Nature of Light- Direct Light, Soft Light, Hard Light, Directional Light; Shadow and Silhouettes, Lighting Equipment (Soft Boxes, Umbrellas, Fresnel, Skimmers, Reflectors etc)
Three Point Lighting, Technique and Metering for Light, Filters and Use of a Flash Unit, Digital Photography Sensor Sizes (CCD,CMOS), Formats and Storage
Basics of Photoshop, Introduction to Editing and Digital Manipulation, Brightness, Contrast, Mid Tones, Highlights, Colour Tones