Practical: Still Photography

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to analyse photographic compositions and lighting techniques, understand various photography types, and explore editing tools' effects.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






Practical: Still Photography


CO31: Evaluate the effectiveness of various settings and composition on photographs.

CO32: Analyse the principles behind different lighting setups.

CO33: Develop strategies for capturing high-quality photographs in various conditions.

CO34: Assess the aesthetic and technical aspects of edited photographs compared to their original versions.

CO35: Design and produce high-quality print advertisements and photo stories.

CO36: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, , Simulation, Seminar presentation, s, Field practical



Class test Semester end examinations Quiz Assignment Presentation, and Individual projects


Unit I: 
Experimenting with Composition and Camera Settings
  • Click Photographs showcasing different compositions
  • Click photographs at different aperture f-stops
  • Click photographs at different shutter speeds


Unit II: 
Lighting Setups and Applications
  • Practice Single Point Lighting
  • Practice Three Point Lighting
  • Practice the use of lighting equipment and accessories for different lighting situations


Unit III: 
Diverse Photographic Adventures
  • Click nature/ wildlife photographs
  • Capture portraits using different lighting techniques
  • Capture product photographs
  • Click night photographs


Unit IV: 
Creative Editing: Tools and Techniques
  • Use different tools to edit photographs
  • Present a comparative project of non-edited and edited photographs


Unit V: 
Print Media Photography
  • Create a print advertisement using product photographs
  • Create a photo story on a given topic for print media


Essential Readings: 
  • Jairek, R. (n.d.). Photography for Beginners: Essentials You Must Know.
  • Bilissi, E., & Langford, M. (2011). Langford's Advanced Photography: The guide for aspiring photographers (The Langford Series), 8th Edition. Routledge.
  • Bailey, A. (1979). The Book of Colour Photography: The Complete Guide to Taking Colour Pictures. Ebury Press.
  • Luck, S., & Freeman, J. (2016). Complete Practical Guide to Digital and Classic Photography: The Expert's Manual on Taking Great Photographs. Lorenz Books.



Suggested Readings:

  • Peterson, B. (2016). Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera. Amphoto Books.
  • Hunter, F. (2017). Lighting for Digital Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots. Peachpit Press.
  • White, B. (2017). Light, Science, and Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting. Routledge.
  • Sartore, J. (2015). National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography: Revised and Expanded. National Geographic.
  • Kelby, S. (2017). The Digital Photography Book: Part 1. Peachpit Press.
  • Andrews, P. (2018). Photoshop Elements 2018 For Dummies. For Dummies.
  • Davis, H. (2018). Advertising Photography: A Straightforward Guide to a Complex Industry. Bloomsbury Visual Arts


Academic Year: