Print Journalism

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to evaluate content for media by developing proficiency in crafting engaging and thought-provoking opinion pieces exploring freelance writing, content creation for web and social media platforms, data journalism techniques.

 Course Outcome (COs):


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Print Journalism (Theory)

CO7:  Evaluate news stories across different beats, demonstrating proficiency in journalistic principles, and audience engagement.

CO8: Differentiate between interpretative and investigative reporting techniques and develop their skills in specialized reporting across diverse fields.

CO9:  Analyse opinion pieces, editorials, articles, columns, letters to editors, and reviews across various mediums emphasizing critical thinking and persuasive communication.

CO10: Create engaging and diverse feature articles, with an understanding of different feature types and styles, enabling them to contribute effectively to magazine publications.

CO11: Evaluate freelance writing, content creation for web and social media platforms, data journalism techniques, and an understanding of the significance, challenges, and responsibilities of citizen journalism.

CO12: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion

Tool (Power Point Presentation)

Analysing different newspaper reports

Case study methodology can be applied


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Class test,

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 
News Reporting and Writing
  • News- Definition, Concept, Elements, Values, Sources
  • Beats: News Structure, Reporting: Building Sources and Validation of News, Crime, Weather, Speech, Disaster, Court, Election, Riots, War
  • Report Writing for Conferences, Deliberations and Conventions


Unit II: 
Advanced Reporting
  • Interpretative and Investigative Reporting,
  • Specialized Reporting – Environment, Human Rights, Political, Legislative (Parliament, Assemblies, Local Bodies), Economics, Defense, Legal, Science, Sports, Development Social Issues and Gender Research on Social Issues


Unit III: 
Opinion and Review Writing in Journalism
  • Opinion Writing, Editorial, Articles and Column Writing,
  • Letters to Editors,
  • Review-Books, Film, Theatre, Music Concert,
  • News analysis and Newspaper


Unit IV: 
Feature Writing and Magazine Journalism
  • Features Meaning, Types, Writing style of News and Human Interest
  • Special Theme
  • Writing for Magazines


Unit V: 
: Writing for Modern Media Platforms
  • Freelance Writing
  • Writing for Web and Social Media Platforms, Portals
  • Data Journalism
  • Citizen Journalism- Importance, Challenges and Responsibilities


Essential Readings: 
  • Abraham, Raimole. (2010). Journalists and Environment News. New Delhi. Kanishka Publishers and Distributers. 
  • Ahmad, Shahzad. (2005). Journalism: News Coverage. New Delhi. Anmol Publications.
  • Kamath, M.V. (1995). The Journalist's Handbook. New Delhi. Vikas Publishing House.
  • Kundra, S. (2005). Reporting Methods. New Delhi. Anmol Publications.
  • Parthasarathy, Rangaswami (2014). Here is the News! Reporting for the Media. New Delhi. Sterling Publishers.
  • Sharma, Seema. (2005). Journalism Reporting. New Delhi. Anmol Publications.
  • Spark, David and Harris, Geoffrey. (2011). Practical Newspaper Reporting. New Delhi. Sage Publication.


  • Aamidor, A. (2006). Real Feature Writing. London. Routledge.
  • Frost, C. (2001). Reporting for Journalists. London. Routledge.
  • Jan, H. and Singh, J. R. (1998). News Agency Journalism. New Delhi. Anmol Publications.
  • Joseph, Ammu and Sharma, Kalpana. (2006). The Media and Women’s Issues. New Delhi. SAGE Publication Pvt. Ltd.
  • Randall, D. (2006). The Universal Journalist. London. Pluto Press.
  • Stovall, J.G. (2011). Journalism: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. New Jersey. Prentice Hall. 
  • Wheeler, Sharon. (2009). Feature Writing for Journalists. New York. Routledge.



Academic Year: