Radio Programme Production

Paper Code: 
JMC 222
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: 

This course will enable the students to understand the evolution of Radio in India. Understand various formats of Radio. Understand the types and studio setup of Radio broadcasting.


Unit I: 

Radio as a Mass Medium. General Principles of writing for Radio.

Aspects of sound recordings.





Unit II: 

Format of radio programmes – Announcement, Talk, Interview, Studio discussion, Vox Pop, Radio Feature and Documentary, Music show, Phone-in programme and Drama. Radio News with multiple sources news production using sound bytes and actualities.

Unit III: 

Broadcast studio- types and Acoustics.

Analogue and Digital Signals; Digital Recording, Equipments in studio and editing using audio softwares. Types of microphones and their uses, Field recording skills,

Unit IV: 

Live studio broadcast, Studio production of Radio newsreel and current affairs programmes, Music Management, O-B production of sporting and mega events.

Unit V: 

Radio Advertisements- Social and Commercials. Programming Planning for a Radio Channel- Conceptualisation,  Making Personality of a channel.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Kumar, Keval J., Mass Communication in India, Jaico, Mumbai.
  2. Chatterjee, P.C., Broadcasting in India. Sage, New Delhi.
  3. U.L. Baruah: This is All India Radio, New Delhi, Publications Division, 1984.
  4. Mehra Masani, Broadcasting and the People, New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1976, 2nd Ed. 1985.

    5.    Srivastava K.M., Radio and TV Journalism, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.


Academic Year: