Radio Programming

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to acquire knowledge of technical requirements for preparing radio programmes in different formats and develop research skills to gather information and resources

Course Outcomes: 

Course Code



Course   Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies




Radio Programming (Theory)

CO24: Identify and differentiate between various types of talks and announcements commonly used in radio broadcasting.

CO25: Acquire knowledge of technical requirements for conducting radio interviews

CO26: Develop research skills to gather information and resources for creating compelling radio features.

CO27: Explore the importance of radio news in informing and engaging audiences, and adhere to ethical guidelines and professional standards in news reporting.

CO28: Develop skills in presenting different music genres effectively on radio, including the selection and organization of music content.

CO29:Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration

Learning activities for the students:

Self. Learning assignments,  Simulation, Seminar presentation,  Field practical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects, Practice sessions in Radio Station


Unit I: 
Radio Talks and Announcements
  • Radio Talks and Announcements-Various Types of Talks and Announcements
  • Research, Recording.


Unit II: 
Radio Interviews
  • Radio Interviews- Purpose of Radio Interview
  • Planning, Preparation of questions
  • Technical requirements, Distant Interviews, Do’s and Don’ts.


Unit III: 
Radio Feature and Documentaries
  • Radio Feature and Documentaries- Purpose, Research
  • Script; Technical requirements
  • Role of Sound effects and other sounds.


Unit IV: 
Radio News
  • Radio News- Reporting, Recording, Distant Reporting, Do’s and Don’ts
  • Importance of Radio News.


Unit V: 
Radio Phone-in and other Music Programmes
  • Radio Phone-in and other Music Programmes-Purpose
  • Presentation of Different Music Genres: Recording.


Essential Readings: 
  • Digital Broadcasting Journalism (2003). J.K. Sharma. Authors Press, Delhi.
  • Handbook of Television and Radio Broadcasting (2009). Ved Prakesh    Gandhi. Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi.
  • Handbook of Journalism (2001). Concept Publishing Company New Delhi.
  • Mass Communication. (2002) Kumar K. Sage Publications.New Delhi.
  • Radio Broadcasting: A Reader's Guide (2012). Parameswaran. Authers Press, New Delhi.
  • Radio in New Avtar AM to FM (2011). Ambrish Saxena. Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi
  • Radio and T.V. Journalism (1989). K. M.  Shrivastava Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
  • Radio Production (2005). McLeish. Focal Press, Burlington, USA.


  • Saxena, Ambrish. (2011).  Radio in New Avtar AM to FM Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi
  • Esta de Fossard &Jhn Riber. (2015). Writing and Producing Radio Dramas Sage, New Delhi.
  • Barzman, Alan.(2004). Radio Advertising- A Guide to Creating, Voicing and Producing Great Radio Commercials Books Pvt. Ltd., Chandigarh.


E Resources: 


Academic Year: