Script Writing for Documentary and Production Planning

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop expertise in pre-production for documentaries, encompassing planning, creative writing, and strategic resource management to enhance production efficiency.


Course Outcomes: 

Course Code

Course Title

Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Script Writing for Documentary and Production Planning (Theory)


CO18:  Demonstrate proficiency in pre-production tasks, including planning and organizing resources for documentary projects.

CO19:  Analyse the role of a creative writer, integrating creativity, and strategic thinking into concept development, treatment writing, and budgeting processes.

CO20: Explore production phase of television scripting, including planning, managing crews.

CO21:  Create shooting schedules, crafting shooting scripts, and conducting shot breakdowns, optimizing production efficiency and resource utilization.

CO 22: Develop advanced skills in managing production teams, conducting meetings, and implementing checklists for efficient television production.

CO23: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students: Self learning assignments, , Simulation, Seminar presentation, Field practical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Documentary Production: From Concept to Completion
  • Three Phases of Production.
  • Pre-Production- Tasks to be done.
  • Writing for Documentary- Researching for the Documentary
  • Research: Library, Archives, location, life stories, Ethnography


Unit II: 
Creative Concepts: Scripting, Storytelling, and Proposal Development
  • Writing a concept- The Recce, Telling a story, Treatment, Writing a proposal and budgeting.
  • Visual thinking & Elements of script – beginning, middle and end
  • Organizing and presenting materials – points of views, credibility and accuracy
  • Role of a creative writer


Unit III: 
Television Scriptwriting and Production
  • Television Script
  • Difference between Story and Script
  • Narrative Styles, Writing, Voice Over/ Narration
  • Production Phase- Tasks to be done
  • Planning and Managing crew


Unit IV: 
Strategic Planning for Production Design and Shooting
  • Planning-Set designing, Costume, Property
  •  Shooting Schedule-Writing a shooting script, Shot Breakdown


Unit V: 
Rehearsals, Shooting, and Television Production
  • Rehearsals & Shooting Arrangements.
  • Television Studio set-up/structure.
  • Call list, Production Team, Meetings, Checklist; Crowd Management.
  • Writing for TV news, Current affairs
  • Documentary


Essential Readings: 

·         Desai M. (2009).Television and Cultural Crisis: An Analysis of Transnational Television in India. New Delhi. Concept Publishing Company.

·         Gandhi,V. (2009). Handbook of Television and Radio Broadcasting. New Delhi. Kanishka Publishers.

·         Gerald, K. (2004). Writing for Television.Chandigarh. Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd.

·         Harris, Christopher R. and Lester, Paul M. (2001). Visual Journalism: A Guide for New Media Professionals. New Delhi. Pearson.

·         Laurence M. (1974). The Right Way to Use a Camera Calcutta. Rupa Co.

·         Rober, M. (2000). An Introduction to Writing for Electronic Media: Script Writing essentials across the Genres. Oxford. Focal Press.

Underwood, R. (2017). Roll: Shooting TV News: Views from Behind the Lens. New York. Focal Press

  • Herbison-Evans, D. (2017). Television production: A classroom approach. CRC Press.
  • Millerson, G. (2011). Television production. Taylor & Francis.
  • Adcock, N. (2014). Basic lighting worktext for film and video. CRC Press.
  • Mascelli, J. V. (2013). The five C's of cinematography: Motion picture filming techniques. Silman-James Press.
  • Dancyger, K. (2013). The technique of film and video editing: History, theory, and practice. CRC Press.
  • Hobson, E. (2014). Broadcast television: A complete guide to the industry. Routledge.
  • Pizzi, M. (2012). Television and video engineering. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Weisman, S. R. (2014). Broadcast basics: A beginner's guide to television news reporting and production. Routledge.
  • Alten, S. R. (2013). Audio in media. Cengage Learning.


E- Resources:


Academic Year: