Team Building and Stress Management

Paper Code: 
LAD 420
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to -

  • Understand the concept of team building stress management.
  • Understand how to inculcate leadership skills.
  • Share experience and interact with different industry experts.

Learning Outcome:

  1. The paper aims at helping students to work for team building and stress management.
  2. Students will inculcate leadership skills.
  3. Students will work on improving or correcting their body language and interface various industry experts for experience sharing.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

LAD 420


Team Building and Stress Management


CO90:The paper aims at helping students to work forteam building and stress management

CO91: Students will inculcate leadership skills.

CO92: Students will work on improving or correcting their body language and interface various industry experts for experience sharing.


Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion

Tool(Power Point Presentation)

Analyzing different newspaper reports

Case study methodology can be applied.


Learning activities for the students:

The students will develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

The students will also practice public speaking which will enhance their confidence.

Students will be able to manage time more efficiently and effectively.


Class test,

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 

Icebreaker: getting to know each other: Activities, team building games, 5 stage team building model and its application, team processes.


Unit II: 

Leadership Skills: What you have to be, to be a leader, what you need to do, turning core leadership function into skill, developing as a leader, principles to grow leaders in the organization,


Unit III: 

Stress Management:Fundamental facts about worry, basic techniques in analyzing and overcoming stress, channelizing stress to hobby and passion, 7 ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.



Unit IV: 

Body Language: Gestures, Posture, Greeting, Handshake, Eye contact, Expressions, inborn responses, conveying and showing disapproval and rejection, shrugging signals, the language of sound, mastering first impressions.


Unit V: 

Seminar and Industry expert session: These will be conducted by industry leaders as question answer session and experience sharing.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Tonya Reiman (2007). The Power of Body Language: How to Succeed in Every Business and Social Encounter.
  2. John Adair (2007). Develop Your Leadership Skills
  3. Dale Carnegie, how to stop worrying and start living
  4. Kelly McGonigal (2015). The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It.


Academic Year: