Television Production

Paper Code: 
MCV 232
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Growth and Development of Cinema in India, Invention  of new technologies, TV picture formation.



The Camera : Characteristics and functions of Video Camera, The lenses system, Image Sensors, Indicators, Audio Circuits, Camera mounting Gear.   



Basic Shots, Camera Angles, Camera Movements, Crane, Crab, Trolley  and Track.



Basics of lightning- Natural & Artificial Lighting, Concept of Colour temperature and Colour Balance, Three Point Lighting.  Significance of Sound in a Video Production.



Aesthetics of Camera Work, Appreciation of cinematography , Television and Society - Interrelationship.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Complete Reporter Fundamentals of News gathering, writing and editing.
  2. On camera by Harris Watts.
  3. Basics of TV technology by Hastwig
  4. Shooting Digital Video by Jon Faver.
  5. Basic TV Technology, Digital and Analog by Robert L. Heartwig.
  6. Video Editing & Post production by Garg N. Anderson Focal Press.
  7. Video Editing – A Post production primer by Staven E. Browne, Focal Press.
  8. Avid Editing – A guide for beginning and intermediate users by Sam Kauffmann.
  9. Television Field Production and Reporting by Shook Frederick.
  10. Global Script Writing by Keu Dancyger.
  11. Vales Techniques of Screen & Television Writing by Engenevae.


Academic Year: