Television Programme Production

Paper Code: 
JMC 321
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: 

This course will enable the students to understand the basics of writing for television programmes. Use both mobile and professional video camera for shooting visuals. Understand the process of TV production and video editing techniques.


Unit I: 

Writing for Television, Concept & Idea Generation, Feasibility check, Treatment, Story, Script writing, Screenplay and Storyboarding.






Unit II: 

TV Production management: Television Programme proposal making, Scheduling of shoot, Permissions & legal obligations, Promotion

Unit III: 

Video Camera: Types & Characteristics; Single Camera  shooting, Camera Operations, Basic Camera Shots, angles & movements,  Shooting techniques : Color balancing, Picture Composition, Maintaining Continuity, Imaginary Line.

Multi Camera shooting: Characteristics, TV Studio set-up, Production Control Room, Outdoor Broadcast, Planning TV studio programmes. TV programme formats.

Unit IV: 

Studio Luminaire & Lamps; TV Lighting & its functions; Three point lightning, Bounce lighting, High key & Low key lightning, Outdoor lighting, Reflectors; Studio sets & props; Make-up.

Unit V: 

Sound: Basic Characteristics, Microphones, Sound Recording.

Video Editing: Functions & Techniques, Editing Procedure, Transitions. Continuity, Digital effects.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Dr. Pawan Agarwal, Media Writing.
  2. Steven Clayman – The News Interview.
  3. Dr. Ramesh Jain – Electronic Media Writing
  4. Dr. Sanjeev Bhanawat – Electronic Media
Academic Year: