Canon Photography Workshop

Canon Photography Workshop

Name of the Department: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Name of the Event/Activity/Workshop/Seminar: Canon Photography Workshop

Date: August 23rd, 2023

Venue: AV Hall

Topic on which activity was organized: Light Painting Photography

No. of Participants: 58

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity: To acquaint students with the art and science of Light Painting

Description (max 500 words):


IISU students learned Light Painting Photography

IISU LensCraft club organised one day Canon Photography Workshop on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 at AV Hall. The workshop was initiated by the Department Of Journalism And Mass Communication in association with the Department of Fine Arts with Shobhit Tiwari as an expert. The workshop was sponsored by Canon.

Along with Mr. Shobhit was accompanied by Ms. Suhasini Tiwari, Hemant Chourey, Area Sales Manager (Rajasthan), Canon, Gajendra Singh, Technical Support Officer and Naveen Saini from Canon Team. The workshop focused on light painting photography. The session commenced with a presentation where Mr. Tiwari and Ms. Suhasini acquainted students with the phenomenon of Light Painting Photography and how it is done. They also shared their various work and experiences of Light Painting. After the break, the session resumed with practical work where students learned and practically tried light painting using various tools and different lights with the help of experts.

The session was a new experience for the students where students enthusiastically took part and learned light painting. Total of 50 students took part in the workshop.


Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: Participants learned the art and science of Light Painting.