Educational Visit to Sach Bedhadak News Studio

Title of the Event: Educational Visit to Sach Bedhadak, a regional TV channel and digital newspaper

Type of Event: Field Visit

Date: 22 July 2024

Venue: Sach Bedhadak News Studio

No. of Particpants: 30

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries (Teaching/Non-teaching/Students to be mentioned separately): UG and PG students

Name of the activity Coordinators: Dr. Sakshi Arya

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity: To enhance students’ understanding of Journalism and News Production  

Description (max 500 words):

The School of Media Studies in collaboration with Department of Computer Science and IT organized a field visit to Sach Bedhadak News Studio for students of BAJMC and BMA on July 22, 2024. The visit provided a unique opportunity for students to gain firsthand experience of a working TV news studio and deepen their understanding of broadcast journalism. It provided them with an overview of the studio's layout, including the control room, PCR, newsroom, studio sets and input desks, and editing department. The students were also introduced to key broadcast equipment, such as cameras, teleprompters, and the mixing desk, which are crucial for live news production. One of the highlights of the visit was observing a live news broadcast.

Students had the chance to see the dynamic environment of a live news production and witness the behind-the-scenes coordination required to deliver timely and accurate news. They also got an opportunity to see the working of digital news desk and working of print media. The students also participated in a Q&A session wherein all their queries were meticulously answered by the studio team. All in all, it was an insightful and educational tour, that encouraged the students to explore different career opportunities in broadcast media and journalism.