Emoji Day Photography Competition

Title of the event: Emoji Day Photography Competition                       

Type of Event (Workshop/Seminar etc.): Competition

Date: 16 July 2024                                  

Venue: IISU Campus

No of Students: 10

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries (Teaching/Non-teaching/Students to be mentioned separately): UG and PG students

Name of the activity Coordinators: Dr. Sakshi Arya and Dr. Aastha Saxena

Name of Collaborating Agency (if any) with address & contact no.:  NA

Objective of the activity: To capture the essence of human emotions through photography

Summary/Description (max 500 words):

The School of Media Studies in collaboration with the IISU photography club, Lens-craft, organised a photography competition in celebration of World Emoji Day. The competition aimed to capture the essence of human emotions through photography and to showcase the diverse and vibrant emotional expressions within the university’s students community. Participants were required to take photographs of people expressing different emotions on the university campus and each student had to submit a total of 10 photos, each representing a unique emotion such as happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, and more. The submitted photos were judged and displayed digitally, giving an opportunity to all participants and others to view and appreciate all the photographs that were submitted for the competition.

The competition was open to all students, encouraging wide participation and fostering a sense of community and creative expression. The student’s of BAJMC department participated enthusiastically in the competition, submitting entries that showcased the myriad emotions of their friends and fellow students. The World Emoji Day photography competition was a resounding success, that highlighted the remarkable talent of IISU students. The event not only celebrated human emotions but also strengthened the sense of community and creative spirit within the students.