One Day Workshop on Rajasthan Elections and Opinion Polls

Workshop on Opinion Polls

Title of the event: Rajasthan Elections and Opinion Polls

Type of Event (Workshop/Seminar etc.): One Day Workshop

Date: 21st September 2023                                

Venue: A.V Hall

Name of Resource person (if any) with designation, address, email address  & contact no. : Shri Shripal Shaktawat, Editor in Chief, Mindpool Media, Jaipur and Shri Pradeep Bidawat, Thin Q 360

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries (Teaching/Non-teaching/Students to be mentioned separately): UG and PG students

Name of the activity Coordinators: Dr.Shipra Mathur, Advisor and Head, Department of JMC

Dr.Sharad Rathore, Head, Department of History and Indian Culture

Dr.Archana Gupta, Head, Department of Political Science

Dr. Mona Vyas, Head, Department of Public Administration

Name of Collaborating Agency (if any) with address & contact no.:  NA

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity: Create awareness among the students about the importance of the Rajasthan Elections and Opinion Polls.

Summary/Description (max 500 words):

The event commenced with lighting of the lamp by the Chief Guest and the Head of the Departments. Subsequently Mr. Pradeep Bidawat and Mr.ShripalShaktawat addressed the audience and acquainted them with the significance of voting and that too voting the right candidate while focussing upon the upcoming Rajasthan elections and opinion poll. Their discourse focussed on the factors that are crucial about the elections, campaigns, and most importantly   opinion polls, which are valuable tools for gauging public sentiment on a wide range of topics. The participants came to know about the purpose of opinion polls, sampling, margin of error, questioning wording, sampling biases, timing, reporting, its uses, and limitations. Also the types of surveys conducted during elections were discussed. They also threw light on the ways to identify false information like verifying information from multiple sources, using reliable fact checking organizations and checking primary sources. In the end, there was an interactive session with the invited speakers and the students put up their queries which were answered by the experts to the satisfaction of all.The session was very enlightening and successful in creating awareness among the students about the Rajasthan Elections and its working process.


Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop:

This workshop was a wonderful learning experience for all the participants which shall make them conscious voters in the time to come.