Development Communication and Advertising

Paper Code: 
JMC-144 G
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to:
• understand and know the principles, forms and process of development communication.
• know the various theories of development communication.
• relate various technologies, their development and their role in national development with research studies.


Definition of Development, Persuasive model of development, Mass media model of development.

Psychological Theories: Concepts of selective exposure, Selective perception and Selective retention.


Developmental Journalism:Concept of development historical overview of development, issues and indicators of development.

Role of Communication in Development, Concept of Mass Society.


Introduction to Advertising, Types of Advertising,   Role of Advertising in Marketing, The Consumer Audience, Advertising at National and International level.


Interactive  and Alternative Media,  Media Planning and Buying.


Evaluation and effectiveness of Advertising,  Advertising Ethics, Advertising and Society.


  1. Aakar, DavidA., Rajeev Batra and John G. Myers. Advertising Management Prentice-Hall, New Delhi.
  2. Sengupta, Subroto, Brand Positioning. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
  3. Rege, G.M. Advertising Art and Ideas. Kareer Institute, Mumbai.
  4. Caples, John, Tested Advertising Methods. Harper &Bros, New York.
  5. Oglivy, David The Unpublished David Oglivy. Sidgwick and Johnson, London.
  6. Harriosn, Tony (Ed.), A Handbook of Advertising Techniques Kogan Page, London.
  7. Chunnawala, S.A. and K.C. Sethia.  Foundations of Adverting : Theory and Practice. Himalaya Publications, Mumbai.
  8. Wells, Moriarty, Burnett, Advertising Principles and Practices



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