Field Trip to Amber Fort

Trip to Amber Fort

The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized a field trip to Amber Fort, with the primary objective of enhancing the photography skills of its students. Amber Fort, provided an excellent backdrop for students to practice various photography techniques and capture the essence of historical architecture and cultural heritage. Students participated in a photography workshop conducted by Mr. Shantanu Pushkarna. The workshop covered fundamental principles of photography, including camera settings, exposure, framing, and composition. Students were given the opportunity to apply the concepts learned during the workshop through hands-on practice. They explored different vantage points within the fort premises, capturing a diverse range of subjects including architectural details, landscapes, and portraits.

The field trip provided students with practical experience in applying photography techniques in a real-world setting, leading to a noticeable improvement in their skills.

Students developed a greater sense of creativity and artistic expression through experimenting with different perspectives and compositions.

By exploring Amber Fort and capturing its beauty through their lenses, students gained a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan.

The field trip to Amber Fort organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication proved to be a valuable learning experience for students, enabling them to hone their photography skills while immersing themselves in the cultural heritage of Rajasthan. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical application, the trip fostered creativity, confidence, and a deeper understanding of the power of visual storytelling in journalism and mass communication.