Communication Research

Paper Code: 
JMC 322
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: 

This course will enable the students to understand the basics and types of research. Understand the basics of media and social science research and understand the interrelations between elements and application of SPSS software.


Unit I: 

Communication Research- Definition, Meaning, Types, Scope and Importance of Communication Research. Research Approaches- Quantitative, Qualitative and triangulation .  Elements of Research- Concept, Variable, Hypothesis

Unit II: 

Research Design - Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory & Experimental. Research Methodologies -Survey, Content Analysis, Case Studies, Observation.

Unit III: 

Sources of Data- Primary, Secondary.Sampling of Data – Probability and Non-probability, Techniques and Tools of Data Collection – Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule, Web Surveys, Panel Discussions

Unit IV: 

Public Opinion Surveys, Telephonic Surveys, On-line polls in media research, Data Processing , Classification, Codification and Tabulation.

Unit V: 

Data Analysis- Statistical Methods. Central Tendency-Mean, Median, Mode. Data Interpretation, Report Writing Bibliography, In text Citation.New trends in media research

Essential Readings: 

Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology and Techniques, New Age International Publishers

  1. Stempel, Guide H. and Bruce Westley, Research Methods in Mass Communication, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
  2. Das, G. Social Survey and Research. Manu Enterprises.
  3. Emmert, Philip and William D. Brooks (Eds.) Methods of Research inn Communication. Houghton Miffin Co., Boston.
  4. Backstrom, Charles H. and Gerald D. Hursh Survey Research Northwestern University Press, Illinois.
  5. Wlikinson, T.S. and Bhandarar, P.L. Methodology and Techniques of Social Research. Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  6. Lowery, Shearon A. and Melvin L. DeFleur. Milestones in Mass Communication Research Longman, New York, London.
  7. Bedekar, V.H. How to Write Assignment Research Papers, Dissertations and Thesis. Kanak Publications, New Delhi.
  8. Ahuja, Ram, Research Methods, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
Academic Year: