Development Communication

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to analyse development paradigms, understand media's role in shaping societal perspectives, evaluate roles of various entities in development, address environmental and gender issues, and integrate local knowledge with development narratives in media.

Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Development Journalism (Theory)

CO103: Critically analyse development paradigms, participatory models for fostering sustainable development.

CO104: Evaluate the roles of governmental, community, and civil society entities in fostering development agendas. 

CO105: Compare the communication strategies in health and nutrition, agriculture and challenges in Indian and Rajasthan agriculture.

CO106: Figure out the environment politics, water crisis management, and gender debates at global, national, and regional levels.

CO107: Explore the intersection of local knowledge and traditional wisdom with development narratives, promote Indian knowledge systems.

CO108: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion Tool (Power Point Presentation) and case study.


Learning activities for the students

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination



Unit I: 
Development Narratives
  • Development Communication: Concept of Development, Indicators of Development, Role of Communication in Development
  • Sustainable Development and Goals
  • Media and Ideology: Indian Approaches to Development, Gandhian Approach, Marxism and Capitalism Debates
  • Participatory Model of Development


Unit II: 
Development Journalism and Global Initiatives
  • Development Journalism: Rights based approach to Development, Need and Relevance
  • International Initiatives of Development: IPDC, Introduction and Objectives of UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO, Role of Government, Community and Civil Society Organizations in Development
  • NITI Ayog


Unit III: 
Communication for Change
  • Health and Nutrition: Perspectives of Communication Strategies. Impact of Monsoon on Economy, Green Revolution, White Revolution, Evergreen Revolution
  • Challenges of Agriculture in India and Rajasthan


Unit IV: 
Environmental and Gender Dynamics
  • Bio-Diversity, Climate Change and International Agreements, State Action Plans
  • Environment Politics in India, Water Crisis and National and State Policies
  • Gender Debates and Women Issues: Global, National and Regional


Unit V: 
Cultural Narratives in Development Journalism
  • Local Knowledge, Traditional Wisdom vis a vis Development
  • Promoting Indian Knowledge System through Media
  • Developing Story Ideas, Balancing different Perspectives/Angles, Human Interest stories
  • Tools and Techniques of Development Stories for Print, Audio Visual and Digital Media


Essential Readings: 
  • Everett, R. (2000). Communication and Development- Critical Perspective. New Delhi. Sage.
  • Gupta, V.S. (2000). Communication and Development: The Challenge of the Twenty- first Century. New Delhi. Concept Publishing Company.
  • Joshi, P.C. (2002). Communication and National Development. New Delhi. Anamika Prakashan.
  • Joshi. U. (2001). Understanding Development Communication. Dominant Publications
  • Leslie, H. (2015). Communication for Development: Theory and Practice for empowerment and Social Justice. New Delhi. Sage Publications.
  • Sinha, D (2015). Communication Development in the New World Order: A critical Analysis. New Delhi. Kanishka Publishers and Distributers.
  • Madhu, B. (2012). Communication Media and Development. New Delhi. Kurukshetra. Nirmal Book Agency.


  • Agrawal, B. C., Joshi, S. R. and Sinha, A. (1986). Communication Research for Development: The ISRO Experience. New Delhi. Concept Publishing Company.
  • Niraja, G. and Pai, S. (2001). Democratic Governance in India: Challenges of Poverty, Development and Identity. Delhi. SAGE Publications.
  • World Bank. (2007). World Congress on Communication for Development: Lessons, Challenges, and the Way Forward. Rome. World Bank Publications.
  • Om Prakash Pandey (2021). Bharat Vaibhav. National Book Trust. New Delhi
  • Dharampal (2022). Bharat Ka Swadharma. Setu Prakashan. Uttar Pradesh
  • Dharampal (2021). The Beautiful Tree-Indigenous Indian Education In The Eighteenth Century. Rashtrotthana Sahitya. Karnataka. 
  • Dharampal (2000). Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century.  Other India Press.  Goa.




Academic Year: