Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to acquaint themselves with the historical evolution of mass media in India. Understand the technical advancements in the field of mass media. Understand the social, political and cultural implication of communication theories.
Communication : Meaning and Scope, element and process. Types of communication : verbal and non-verbal, intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and mass communication. characteristics of audiences, audience segmentation
Models: SMR, SMCR, Shannon and Weaver, Lasswel, Osgood, Dance, Schramm, Gerbner, Newcomb, Convergent and Gate-keeping, Communication and Socialization.
Media systems and theories: authoritarian, libertarian, socialistic, social-responsibility, development, participatory. Hypodermic Needle Theory, Two Step and Multi Step Flow Theory.
Film as a mass medium; Historical development of Hindi Cinema; Hindi Cinema after independence, Issues and Problems of Hindi Cinema.
Development of new media, Convergence, Online journalism, Recent Technology, Social Media.