This course will enable the students to -
1. Understand the structure and management of media houses.
2. Familiarize with the process and challenges of launching a new media venture.
3. Understand new trends of media industry.
Media Management: Concept and Perspective, Fundamentals of Management, Principles of Management, Management School of Thought
Media Industry: Issues and Challenges: Market Forces: Performance, Evaluation, BARC and HITS and Market Shifts, Monopoly and Cross Ownership Patterns
Media Organizations in India, Role, Responsibilities and Hierarchy Workflow and Need of Management, Shift Patterns, Circulation and Readership (ABC, NRS)
Media Economics, Strategic Management and Marketing. Budgeting, Financial Management and Personnel Management, Media and Market Forces
Visionary Leadership, Media Entrepreneurs, Qualities and Functions of Media Managers, Indian and International Media Giants- Case Studies