Media Planning and Campaign Strategies

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives


This course will enable the students to master advanced media planning and advertising strategies, equipping them to create impactful campaigns for successful brand management.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Media Planning and Campaign Strategies (Practical)

CO25: Analyse the principles of media planning.

CO26: Assess the concepts of reach, frequency, and exposure to devise strategies for maximizing advertising impact.

CO27: Evaluate digital campaigns using advanced tracking methods to identify success metrics.

CO28: Assess campaign objectives and develop comprehensive media briefs

CO29: Integrate media planning into brand management strategies.

CO30: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.


Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion

Tools (Power Point Presentation)

Case study methodology can be applied


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Case study presentation, Giving task, Industry visits and workshops 

Class test 

Continuous Assessment Test 

Semester end examination




Unit I: 
Foundations of Media Planning and Strategy
  • Understanding Media Planning and Target Audience Mapping
  • Marketing within Media Strategy Framework
  • Pitching Media Proposals and Slot Slaying Techniques
Unit II: 
Maximizing Advertising Exposure and Budgeting
  • Knowing Reach, Frequency, and Maximising Exposure
  • Media Briefings and Scheduling (Flight, Pulsing, Continuity)
  • Media Budgeting and Presentation Planning
Unit III: 
Digital Media Tools and Analysis
  • Creating Digital Tools for Analysis of Reach and Impact
  • Tracking Success and Evaluating Digital Campaigns
  • Placing Advertisements on Online Platforms and Understanding Creative Strategies
Unit IV: 
Campaign Planning and Media Mix
  • Understanding Campaign Planning and Media Briefs
  • Crafting Media Proposals and Selecting Media Vehicles
  • Exploring Media Mix, Class, and Units
Unit V: 
Integrated Campaign Design and Brand Management
  • Designing Campaigns for PR and Advertising
  • Incorporating Media Planning into Brand Management
  • Creative Exposition, Budgeting, and Presentation in Campaign Design
Essential Readings: 
  • Kelley, L. D., & Sheehan, K. B. (2015). Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach (4th ed.). Routledge. 
  • Sharma, T. (n.d.). Advertising Management. Centrum Press.
  • Leiss, W., Kline, S., Jhally, S., & Botterill, J. (2013). Social Communication in Advertising: Consumption in the Mediated Marketplace (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Kaptan, S. S. (2003). Social Dimensions of Advertising. Sarup & Sons.
  • Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Leong, S. M., & Tan, C. T. (2008). Marketing Management (5th ed.). Pearson Ed Asia.

Suggested Readings:


  • Surmanek, J., & Baetz, L. (2005). Media Planning: A Practical Guide. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Leiss, W., Kline, S., & Jhally, S. (2005). Media Planning Workbook. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Sissors, J. Z., & Baron, R. B. (2018). Advertising Media Planning. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Batra, R., Ray, M. L., & Myers, J. G. (2016). Successful Advertising Research Methods. Pearson.
  • Barker, M., Barker, D. I., & Bormann, N. F. (2019). Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach. Cengage Learning.
  • Hemann, C., & Burbary, K. (2013). Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World. Que Publishing.
  • Barry, P. (2008). The Advertising Concept Book: Think Now, Design Later. Thames & Hudson.
  • Sharp, B. (2010). How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know. Oxford University Press.
  • Schultz, D., Kotler, P., & Bush, R. P. (2019). Integrated Marketing Communications: Putting It Together & Making It Work. Routledge.
  • Neumeier, M. (2006). The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design. Peachpit Press.





Academic Year: