Practical: Advanced Packaging

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to examine radio packaging including the concept, importance, and its role in broadcasting by analysing the promotion strategies for radio packaging for brandingand develop the technical purview of handling a radio station.



Course Outcomes: 

Course Code



Course   Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies




Practical: Advanced Packaging



CO46: Examine radio packaging including the concept, importance, and its role in broadcasting.

CO47: Analyse the promotion strategies for Radio Packaging for branding

CO48: Develop the technicalities of handling a radio station.

CO49: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration

Learning activities for the students:

Self. Learning assignments, , Simulation, Seminar presentation, , Field practical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects, Practice sessions in Radio Station


  • Handling Studio Equipment and Recording Drama
  • Use of Voice
  • Use of Equipment
  • Use of Sound and Sound Effects


Essential Readings: 
  • Handbook of Journalism (2001). Concept Publishing Company New Delhi.
  • Mass Communication. (2002) Kumar K. Sage Publications.New Delhi.
  • Radio Broadcasting: A Reader's Guide (2012). Parameswaran. Authers Press, New Delhi.
  • Radio in New Avtar AM to FM (2011). Ambrish Saxena. Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi
  • Radio and T.V. Journalism (1989). K. M.  Shrivastava Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
  • Radio Production (2005). McLeish. Focal Press, Burlington, USA.


  • Saxena, Ambrish. (2011).  Radio in New Avtar AM to FM Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, New Delhi
  • Esta de Fossard &Jhn Riber. (2015). Writing and Producing Radio Dramas Sage, New Delhi.
  • Barzman, Alan.(2004). Radio Advertising- A Guide to Creating, Voicing and Producing Great Radio Commercials Books Pvt. Ltd., Chandigarh.


E Resources: 


Academic Year: