Reporting and Editing for Print

Paper Code: 
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This course will enable the students to evaluate the milestones and societal impact of print journalism in India, analyse reporting techniques, and understand newsroom structures.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






Reporting and Editing for Print


CO61: Apply knowledge of news values and elements to distinguish between different types of news content.

CO62: Compare and contrast different styles of headlines, leads and writing styles of different print media platforms.

CO63: Synthesise knowledge of editorial writing and style to produce high-quality content.

CO64: Examine editing principles and techniques used to edit and proofread news content.

CO65: Critically evaluate the importance and challenges of translation in journalism, as well as specialised reporting in print media.

CO66: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments,  Simulation, Seminar presentation


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Foundations of Print Journalism
  • Evolution and Growth of Print Journalism in India
  • Definition, Roles, and Responsibilities of a Journalist/Reporter
  • Journalism as a Fourth Estate
  • Citizen Journalism, Penny Press, and Yellow Journalism
  • Understanding News:
  • Meaning, Definition, and Nature
  • Elements of News and News Values
  • Types of News: Hard and Soft
  • Difference between News, Features, Articles, and Backgrounders
  • News Sources
  • Attribution and its types
  • Credibility and Quotations
  • Byline, Credit Line, and Embargo


Unit II: 
News Reporting and Writing
  • o   Reporting Techniques:
  • §  Reporting for Various Beats
  • o   Types of News Reports: Objective, Investigative, and Interpretative
  • o   News Writing Styles and Structures:
  • §  Structure and Style of News Writing
  • o   Types of Headlines, Leads, and Body
  • §  Guidelines for Headline Writing
  • o   Reporting for Different Platforms:
  • Reporting for Newspapers, Magazines, and News Agencies


Unit III: 
Inside the Newsroom
  • Structure and Functions of a Newsroom:
    • Set up and functions of a City Reporting Room in a Daily and a Bureau
    • Functions and Responsibilities of a News Editor, Sub-Editor, and Chief Sub-Editor
  • Editorial Writing and Style:
    • Editorial Writing and its Importance
    • Letter to the Editor, Book Review, and Film Review
  • Style Sheet and Guidelines:
    • Style sheet: Definition, Purpose, and Relevance


Unit IV: 
Editing and Layout Design
  • Editing Principles and Techniques:
    • Definition, Objectives, and Principles of Editing
    • Editing Symbols and Proofreading Symbols
    • Copy Editing for Newspapers, Magazines, and Journals
  • Design and Layout:
    • Use of Graphics, Cartoons, and Infographics in Print
    • Photo Caption and Cutline: Definition, Relevance, and Guidelines
  • Layout Design:
    • Design and Layout for Newspaper, Magazine, and Journal


Unit V: 
Contemporary Issues in Print Journalism
  • Trends and Ethical Debates:
    • Agenda setting role of newspapers
    • Citizen Journalism, Investigative journalism
    • Ethical debates: Paid news, Advertorials, Media Trials
  • Specialized Reporting:
    • Business, Parliamentary, Agriculture/Rural, International Affairs, Entertainment
  • Production and Technology:
    • Planning for print: size, anatomy, grid, design
    • Technology and Print: Printing Processes, Desk Top Publishing
    • The Invention of the Printing Press, Modern Techniques
  • Translation in Journalism:
  • Importance and Challenges of Translation in Journalism
  • Translation Techniques for News Articles
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptation in Translation
  • Role of Translators in Bridging Language Barriers in Media


Essential Readings: 
  • Saxena, A. (2007). Fundamentals of reporting and Editing. Kanishka Publishers and Distributors.
  • Gupta, V. S. (2003). Handbook of Reporting and Communication Skills. Concept Publishing Company.
  • Parthasarthy, R. (n.d.). Here is the News! Reporting for Media. Sterling Publishers Ltd.
  • Sharma, S. (2005). Journalism Reporting. Anmol Publications.
  • Bhattacharjee, S. (2010). News Coverage Reporting and Editing. Kanishka Publishers.
  • Anita, G. (2013). News Editing: Principles and Practices. Kanishka Publishers.



Suggested Readings:


  • Aggarwal, V. B., & Gupta, V. S. (2001). Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication. New Delhi: Concept Publications.
  • Lorenz, A. L., & Vivian, J. (1995). News: Reporting and Writing. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Natarajan, J. (1955). History of Indian Journalism. Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  • Raman, U. (2010). Writing for the Media. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
  • Kipphan, H. (Ed.). (2001). Handbook of Print Media - Technologies and Production Methods. Springer.




Academic Year: