Two day Intercollegiate Media Fest Vividha'24

Intercollegiate Media Fest Vividha'24

Title of the event: Two day Intercollegiate Media Fest Vividha'24                             

Type of Event (Workshop/Seminar etc.): Two Day Fest

Date: 15-16 March 2024                                   

Venue: IISU Campus

No of Students : 162

Name of Resource person (if any) with designation, address, email Address & contact no. : Sh. Pushpendra Kulshreshtha

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries (Teaching/Non-teaching/Students to be mentioned separately): UG and PG students

Name of the activity Coordinators: Dr. Aastha Saxena, Dr. Sakshi Arya

Name of Collaborating Agency (if any) with address & contact no.:  NA

Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity: To acquaint the students with the practicalities in the media world .

Summary/Description (max 500 words):

Two day intercollegiate Media Fest Vividha'24 was organized by the School of Journalism and Mass Communications on March 15, 2024. Mr. PushpendraKulshreshtha graced the occasion as the chief guest. The ceremony began with the customary lamp lighting and Ganesh Vandana.

Prof Ila Joshi delivered the welcome address and Dr ShipraMathur introduced 2-day intercollegiate fest comprising of several competitions including open mic, radio jockeying, caricature designing, photography, film making, etc)

In his address, Mr. Kulshrestha started off by recalling his journey and through it highlighting the importance of being truthful irrespective of one's position. He talked about the formation of Indian National Congress and the politics involved in it.Mr. Kulshrestha then went on to acquaint the audience about the civilizational history of India, specifically the Sanatana dharma. He concluded by educating the students on things to be kept in mind while casting vote and motivated them to be true to their future profession, i.e., journalism.

Total of 20 colleges and universities participated with energy and vigor. In all 170 students participated in various competitions. The winners were given trophies and certificates in the valediction ceremony.

The ceremony concluded with a formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr AditiPareek after which, the gathering moved for a band performance. Prof K S Sharma, Advisor, IIS (Deemed to be) University, Prof Ila Joshi, Dean, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the entire faculty of the department was present.