Advance Radio Programming

Paper Code: 
RPP – 331
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Rationale

This course gives an in-depth introduction to radio broadcasting as a medium of  mass communication, its growth, development, concept of commercial and community radio, organizational structure for radio network, the modern trends and innovation in hardware and software and the nuances of radioing .

Unit I: 

Radio Drama- Purpose; Research, Characterisation Through Voice; Recording and Editing; use of Sound and Sound Effects.

Unit II: 

Special Audience Programmes- Concept; Requirement; Identifying Special Audience.

Unit III: 

Various Special Audience Programmes- Women; Children; Rural Audience; Youth; Senior Citizen and Armed Forces.

Unit IV: 

Radio Advertisements- Social and Commercials; Creating Message; Spot and Jingle; Use of Sound and Sound Effects.

Unit V: 

Programming Planning for a Radio Channel- Conceptualisation; Music Management; Making Personality of a channel.

Academic Year: