Corporate Communication and Brand Management (Practical)

Paper Code: 
24JMC 325(C)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to have knowledge of radio presentation and storytelling techniques, explore production processes and technological advancements, analyze the value of creativity in radio programming, observe trends in radio digitization, and experience studio working processes.

Course Outcomes: 




Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Corporate Communication and Brand Management (Practical)


CO145: Demonstrate proficiency in PR writing for media, in-depth analysis of case studies from two international and two national firms.

CO146: Analyse public relations strategies, insights, and prepare for Interviews.

CO147: Evaluate STP strategies for advertising excellence.     

CO148: Apply copy writing techniques for various purposes.

CO149: Examine case studies related to brand management.

CO150: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion Tool (Power Point Presentation). Case study

Writing practise


Learning activities for the students

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical

Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination




Unit I: 
PR Writing and Publication
  • Writing for media, press notes, press release                                                   
  • In-depth analysis of Case studies of at least four firms (Two International and Two National)
  • Develop a house journal


Unit II: 
Mastering Public Relations
  • Planning, executing and evaluating a Press conference for an organization and preparing Backgrounders.
  • Studying the working of popular PR agencies in India and abroad.
  • Conducting interviews of Public Relations Professionals     
Unit III: 
STP Strategies for Advertising Excellence
  • Developing an Advertising Communication Campaign or Concept strategy of a Product by the application of STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)


Unit IV: 
Copy Writing Techniques
  • Copy Writing and production of advertisement campaign for Print, Radio and TV


Unit V: 
Case Studies
  • Case Study of any one Advertising Campaign
  • Behavioral Change Communication Strategy


Essential Readings: 
  • Public Relation and Press (2015). Javed Shaikh, Rajat Publications, New Delhi
  • Public Relations in India (2011). J.V Vilanilam, SAGE Publications, New Delhi
  • Public Relations Management in Media and Journalism(2016), Jagdish Vachani, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi
  • Chhabra, A. (2011). Advertising. New Delhi. Surjeet Publications.
  •  Jain, T.K. (2017). Advertising Media and Sales Promotion. Jaipur. Garima Publication
  • Jefkins, F. (1994). Advertising. India. Macmillian.
  • Larry, D. and Donald W. J. (2015). Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach. Delhi. Prentice Hall of India


  • Public Relations Principles, Cases and Problems (2004). Frazier H. Moore, Frank B. Kalupa, Surjeet Publication, New Delhi
  • Public-interest journalism: A guide for students (2014). Arvind Sivaramakrihnan, Orient Black Swan, New Delhi
  • Ogilvy, D. (2011). Confessions of an Advertising Man. London. Southbank Publishing.
  • Pandey, P. (2016). Pandeymonium: PiyushPandey on Advertising. New Delhi. Penguin Random House India.
  • Rabindranath, M. (2012). Advertising at a Glance. New Delhi.  DPS Publishing House.
  • Singh, P. (2012). Advertising Management.New Delhi. Anmol Publications.
  • Tailor, R.K. (2010). Advertising: Modern Methods. Jaipur. Aavishkar Publishers


E- Resources


Academic Year: