
Paper Code: 
CJMC 502
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to -

  1. Understand work culture of media organizations and get hands on experience of working in field under expert guidance.


In the end of the fourth semester, students are required to undergo an internship/training of at least 45 working days. Students are required to pursue their internship in a media organization or train in media related profile for example, PR, advertising, corporate communication, social media marketing, etc.  The organization may be of Print, Radio, Television, Advertising, Event Management or New Media. Internship may be done by working online also.

The student shall prepare a report and submit it. Student will be required to make the presentation of the work followed by viva-voce. The student is also required to get the certificate from the concerned organization/ institution/ industry, etc. regarding successful training.

Presenting the certificate of internship within a month of commencement of session is mandatory.




Academic Year: