Practical: Television Programme Production

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to analyse shooting, lighting, and camera principles for news shows, evaluate effectiveness, and develop comprehensive plans for impactful storytelling.


Course Outcomes: 

Course Code





24CJMC 302


Practical: Television Programme Production


CO109: Assess the planning process for news-based shows.

CO110: Enhance written communication skills - Develop scripts, light plans, floor plans to produce and shoot news bulletins.

CO111: Enhance oral communication skills - Create engaging and informative scripts for Talk Show, identify suitable experts and record using multi-camera setups.

CO112: Analyse community themes to identify topics suitable for Vox Populi engagement and shoot in outdoor locations.

CO113: Assemble and present a news bulletin, talk show and vox populi.

CO114: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, , Simulation, Seminar presentation, s, Field practical


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects, software learning, working on professional cameras, still and video both


Unit I: 
Introduction to TV Production
  • Shooting Basics
  • Lighting Techniques
  • Camera Setup and Operation
  • Planning for news-based shows


Unit II: 
Mastering News Bulletin Production
  • Plan a News Bulletin of college events
  • Cover events for TV News Bulletin
  • Record PTCs (Piece-to-Camera)
  • Write Anchoring Script
  • Draft a floor and light plan for bulletin production


Unit III: 
Producing a Talk Show
  • Prepare and plan for a Talk Show
  • Script a Talk Show
    • Identify experts for production
    • Draft a floor and light plan for the production
  • Record the Talk show with a multi-camera set-up


Unit IV: 
Engaging with the Audience
  • Identifying a Theme for Vox Populi Engagement
  • Scripting Questions for Production
  • Shooting Vox Populi at Various Outdoor Locations


Unit V: 
Post-Production and Packaging
  • Edit and Package the News Bulletin
  • Edit and present the Talk Show
  • Edit and present the Vox Populi


Essential Readings: 
  • Belavadi, V. (2008). Video Production. Oxford University Press.
  • Ajyer, B. (2005). Digital Newsroom. Authors Press.
  • Wadia, A. (2008). Film Television and Radio Production: Elements Dimensions and Trends. Kanishka Publishers, Distributors.
  • Zettl, H. (2006). Handbook of Television Production. New Delhi: Wads Worth.



Suggested Readings:

  • Boyd, A. (1997). Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and TV news. Boston: Focal Press.
  • Hakemulder, J. R., Jonge, F. A., & Singh, P. P. (2005). Broadcast Journalism. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications.
  • Millerson, G., &Millerson, G. (1999). Television Production. Oxford: Focal Press,13 edition.
  • Trewin, J. (2003). Presenting on TV and Radio: An Insider's Guide. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Utz, P. (2006). Today's Video. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.


Academic Year: