
Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to evaluate the concept of advertising and strategies involved in the process of advertising. using strategic marketing essentials through insightful Perspectives in Advertising Research.

Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Advertising (Theory)

CO13: Evaluate the concept of advertising and strategies involved in the process of advertising.

CO14: Examine the structure and working of advertising agencies

CO15: Effectively evaluate advertising strategies for various purposes 

CO16: Develop insightful perspectives in Advertising Research

CO17: Explore the effectiveness of advertising research as a decision-making tool.

CO18: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Lecture cum Discussion Tool (Power Point Presentation) and case study.

Lecture cum Discussion Tool and creative ideation practice


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Continuous Assessment Test

Semester end examination




Unit I: 
Genesis of Advertising
  • Definitions: Meaning, Genesis of advertising.
  • Relevance of advertising in the marketing mix.
  • Classification of advertisements.
  • Various media for advertising.
  • Fund Allocation and Digital Advertising.
  • Socio-Economic effects of advertising.
  • Statutory bodies in advertising AAAI, ASCI, ASCI and Code of Conduct.


Unit II: 
Strategic Marketing Essentials
  • Segmentation: Market Segmentation Procedure
  • Bases of Market Segmentation; Criteria for Successful Segmentation
  • Targeting: Market Targeting Procedure and Market segment strategies
  • Positioning: Market Positioning, procedure and Strategies, Perpetual. mapping
  • Advertising in Digital Age, Data Analytic Tools
Unit III: 
Advertising Agency: Importance and Functions
  • Advertising Agency: Management, Departmental structure-accounts,
  • Planning,
  • Creative media planning,
  • Client related issues and the process,
  • Agency-client interface; Agency-media interface Agency revenue sources


Unit IV: 
Development and Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
  • Creative Strategy and Appreciation; Brand Management; USP Planning; Ideation and Brainstorming
  • Advertising Appeals: Types and Importance
  • AIDA and DAGMAR Approach
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy Model
  • Campaign Planning
  • Advertising and Social Psychological and Gender perspective
  • Gender: Equality vs Equity and Fault lines


Unit V: 
Insightful Perspectives: in Advertising Research
  • Advertising Research: Scope and Objectives
  • Research as a Decision-Making tool
  • Positioning Research – pre-test, post-test, audience, methods of analyzing research (psychographic/life style research, psycho-physiological research)


Essential Readings: 
  • Chhabra, A. (2011). Advertising. New Delhi. SurjeetPublications.
  • Chhabra, A. (2013). Advertising & Public Relations. New Delhi. Surjeet Publication.
  • Donald, W. (2015).  Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach. New Delhi. Prentice Hall.
  • Tailor, R.K. (2010). Advertising: Modern Methods. Jaipur. Aavishkar Publishers.
  • Moriarty, S. (2015). Advertising Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communications. New Delhi. Cengage Publications.


  • Rabindranath, M. (2012). Advertising at a Glance. New Delhi: DPS Publishing House.
  • Wells, W. (2003). Advertising: Principles and Practice. New Delhi, India. Pearson Education.
  • Ogilvy, D. (1997). Advertising. London. Prion Books.
  • Chaiwallah. (2015). Advertising, Sales and Promotion Management. New Delhi. Himalayan Publication Houses






Academic Year: