This course will enable the students to acquaint themselves with the historical evolution of mass media in India. It will also help students to understand the technical advancements in the field of mass media.
Traditional Media: Folk Dances, Folk Theatre, Folk Music, Puppetry. Ways and means to keep them alive. Relevance of folk media today.
Print Media - An Introduction; Nature; Scope; Definition.
Print Media in India – History in three stages-1) Early years, 2) During freedom struggle, 3) Post independence era. Types of ownership in print media.
Evolution of Radio-Milestones in Development of Radio in Pre- independence and Post-independence Era.
Evolution of Television- History of Television; Milestones in the History of Indian Television.
Use of Radio and TV for education and development; Social and Cultural Impact of domestic and foreign satellite channels; Public and Private Broadcasting
1.Sharma, K.C., Journalism in India: History, Growth &Development, Regal Publications, New Delhi.
2. Singhal/Arvind Everett M Rogers, India’s Communication Revolution from Bullock carts to Cyber Marts, SAGE Publications, New Delhi.
3. Jaffery Robin, India’s Newspaper Revolution.
4. Joshi Uma, Textbook of Mass Communication & Media, Anmol Publications[P] Ltd., N.D-02, 1999
5. Ravindaran R.K., Handbook of Radio, Television & Broadcast Journalism, Anmol Publication, Delhi, 1999
6. Bhattarcharjee Shymali, Media & Mass, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi-02 ,2005
7.Chatterjee, P.C., Broadcasting in India, SAGE, New Delhi.