This course will enable the students to -
Learning Outcome:
Students will be able to:
1. Use a digital video camera to capture images using the following camera techniques and cinematography: rule of thirds, head room, talking space, close-up, medium shot, establishing shot, cut-away, basic shot sequence, tilt, pan, and zoom.
2. Understand the following digital videos terms and apply the technique or concept using a digital video camera: storyboarding, cinematic camera angles, lighting: key light, fill light, backlight, and background light.
3. Perform the match-cut unobtrusive edit by shooting in sequences, and cutting within the scene, on the action & between the actions for continuity.
Visual Grammer - Shot, Scene, Mis‐en‐scene, Deep focus, Basic Shots, OSS, Subjective\ POV and Objective shots. Camera Angles, Camera Movements, Crane, Crab, Trolley, Dolly and Track.
Structure of camera: Single and 3-CCD, Camera Basics: Viewfinder, Camera Lens systems and controls, Concept of Colour Balancing, White and Black balance; Handling the camera: contrast ratio, aspect ratio, -Exposure and Zebra, shutter speeds.
Focusing methods: Selective focus, follow focus, rack focus, Depth-of-field.
Image Sensors, Indicators, Audio Circuits, Camera mounting Gear.
Production Format: Single-camera shoot- Concept of Continuity and Imaginary Line. Multi-camera shoot.
Planning for Post Production- Paper editing and Preview. Preparing EDL, Backgrounds or Virtual reality Sets, Post Production Graphics and Animation. Editing for documentary.